GYGYC as a charity aims to offer a seamless support service to young carers across the borough of Great Yarmouth. Through age-specific Peer support groups, one to one mentoring also counselling. Young carers (YC, aged 5 -16) and Young Adult Carers (YAC aged 17 to 19) are described as young people who are either support their parents/guardians who have an illness, disability or issues around drugs or alcohol, or support their parents/guardians to look after a sibling or another family member. This caring role can have a dramatic effect on their lives, their physical and emotional health. The younger carers also miss out on the normal parent and child relationship and the activities and trips this incorporates. The groups offer a break from the intensity of their caring role, through support, respite, fun and learning opportunities by delivering a programme of positive activities, either in house or trips to local attractions through the empowering model ensuring every young person has a voice in the planning, delivery and evaluation therefore the development of the charity, ensuring they no longer feel isolated. The Youth Workers and Young Carers Support workers offer them different role models and support regarding coping mechanisms and strategies and assist them through the transitions they face from Junior to Secondary School, from Secondary School to Further Education, training or Employment. Therefore, supporting the young person's wellbeing and mental health during their growth and development, but especially during the key transition periods of change.